There are 26 guestrooms available in four different sizes, each with an ensuite. Each guestroom is capable of accommodating 1 to 5 persons and is equipped with air conditioning, as well as modern luxury amenities such as underfloor heating for a relaxing stay. You can rest comfortably while enjoying picturesque views over the adjacent walled garden and countryside castle estate.
All lodge guests have breakfast included in their stay, which is served in the Cranmore Pavilion each morning from 8:00 am to 10:30 am.
If you're looking for an active wellness experience, explore our 6km of woodland walks through the ancient woodlands surrounding our 600-acre estate.
Each guestroom has access to a communal lounge area with a smart TV and kitchenette equipped with tea and coffee-making facilities.
You can choose to dine in style in the Sixteen restaurant, or for a more relaxing dining experience, visit The Kiln bistro bar. We highly recommend booking in advance to secure your desired dining time.
This is the perfect place for those seeking a cosy and peaceful short stay in the countryside.